Saturday, October 8, 2011

C4T #2

I was assigned to comment on Royan Lee's post. The first comment was on a post titled "Excuse #421. This post is about preparing students for the future by requiring a little more than what they expect, even at a young age. Mr. Meaniebobeanie assigns students to do things that the next grade level may require to have them prepared for what they are going to get anyway. I said "Sometimes Mr. Meaniebobeanie is just doing his job or going by what the rule requires. Not all teachers want to give out a lot of homework its just what is required so it has to be done. Sometimes this can be stressful on kids but in a way it teaches time management which you have to apply to every aspect of life."

dos and donts of blog design

The second post that I commented on was titled "The Dos and Don'ts of Blog Design and that is pretty much what the blog was about. He just stated the dos and don'ts that he came up with and I agreed on everything about it.I thought that they were good rules to follow when designing a blog.My reasons for that is because you want it to look nice but you also want to be able to read it clearly and understand it so you don't want it to be too complex.

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