Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Post #8

This is How we Dream
These videos were interesting. He talked about how we are able to multitask anywhere and also about how we can do research without ever going in a library or actually reading physical books. We now can view books online. He also shows how we can communicate instantly. I can agree because this applies to me. Most of everything that I want to learn about and even things that I can't find in my textbooks, I just look it up online. With communication I email most of the people i know or even through social networks like facebook, and twitter. I can even talk and see people as I talk with them through programs such as skype, oovoo, and facetime. Another thing was how you can take different events and collaborate them together with visual and sound documents. He also says that “Ideas don’t belong to us individually but to as a culture”. This is a good way for us to get our ideas into our culture. He says it is a way to make sense of the world we live in. It makes us able to relate to things better this way.

I really enjoyed her videos and I think that her assignment should be used in the future edm 310 class. I think that this will really help students become more creative and think on there own. Also to get out there beliefs rather than research on what someone else believes. Everyone is different and thinks different. If you a teacher is getting what every students feels about certain subject it might even open there eyes to things.

The Chippers Series
This was a good video that I really enjoyed. This video is talking about procrastinating which I believe everyone has been guilty of at some point. I would have to admit that I am a procrastinator at times but I'm trying to change that. Edm 310 is really opening my eyes to the fact that procrastinating is not good at all and catch up with you in the long run. Things that really matter requires that you work on it throughout a period of time to really understand it. Procrastinating leads to cramming which is not the best way to learn because once you take that test you may forget the the information for the long run. To be successful at learning I believe that pacing yourself with a period of time is best because you actually read and do the research. When you go about it this way I think it really sticks to you.

Edm 310 for Dummies
This video was very funny and entertaining. I think the point was that you just need to keep up and don't fall behind. Also actually put effort in to get something out of it. Also looking at the class syllabus had instructions on everything and if you still don't get it we have student assistants at the lab everyday to help us. Overall we have lots of resources to stay ahead.

Learn to Change, Change to learn
This video is a great way to show how our teachers feel about education changing with the society. Students connect with the social network all day and everyday. Although technology has it's downfalls and people shouldn't get dependent on them, it also has it's advantages. The world is changing through technology and to keep up students need to learn about them. It makes things a lot more easier and convenient. It also has lots of great resources that will help students learn better. Although I don't think this should be the only way students should learn and that people should not get dependent on them, I do think that keeping up with it and learning about it will really have its benefits in the long run.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Morgan,
    My name is Tyler and I thought you did a great job with understanding the videos and the assignment we had to do. I think its awesome that we have all this new technology for us to use such as skype and facetime like you mentioned. I can agree with that procrastination video, because I know I am definitely guilty of that. I think I do that on a daily basis! The only thing that I saw that may have been wrong was that I thought we were supposed to have a certain amount of paragraphs instead of one long one? Maybe you did do that and I cannot distinguish, but overall great job with the content.
